Are you still confused about what Auto Clean Chimney?

 Kitchen chimneys are among the kitchen appliances that are most frequently used as they help to eliminate the smells and smoke from the kitchen, so that it maintains the cleanliness that is present in kitchens.

 This means that a chimney in the kitchen is a kitchen cleaner. Since it eliminates dirt from the kitchen, the dirt gets deposited on top of it, but it's a challenge to clean and can take a long time.

 However, the new auto clean technology that is game-changing makes it easier to use and improves the efficiency of chimneys. In this article we will let you learn about the auto clean technology in depth?

 Also, there is a distinction between the best chimney under 20000 in India  and the auto clean chimneys, highlighting their strengths and weaknesses.

best chimney in India

 Without further delay, let's jump right into it.

 What is auto clean technology? in a chimney

Auto-clean Chimney

A chimney is an appliance for kitchens that can eliminate all the oil and smoke particles from the kitchen during cooking so that your kitchen is tidy and odorless. However, during suction, oil and smoke particles get stuck in the blower, filter as well as on the exterior of the chimney. This means that it takes a lot of energy and patience to scrub your kitchen chimney manually. This advanced auto-clean technology kicks in and assists in cleaning the chimney on a regular basis.

 In essence, an automatic clean chimney cleans the chimney by using heating. When we activate the auto-clean feature , the entire chimney is heated, especially around the wall that houses the blower as well as the blower itself. Because it draws oil and smoke particles towards itself , and some particles adhere to the wall and blower. Once the heating process is complete and all the adhesive particles are gathered in a container that is specially designed to be an oil collector.

 When the entire auto-cleaning process has been completed, you only need to take off this collector of oil and then clean it thoroughly with the aid of any cleaning agent. You should have realized the fact that an automatic chimney demands minimal maintenance.


kitchen chimney

Advantages and Disadvantages of Auto Clean Chimney

As you've guessed, if something comes with a certain number of benefits, it also comes with a number of negatives. Let's look at its benefits and drawbacks.

 Advantages of an Auto Clean Chimney

1. Improved Performance

The primary benefit is that auto-cleaning improves the efficiency of chimneys Let's look at how? If I look at the case of chimneys that are built in the traditional way, they do not have an auto-clean function, which is why the oil particles end up in the filter as well as on the blower and can cause clogging over a shorter time. This can affect the efficiency of the best chimney under 5000 in India.

 However, the chimneys that are auto-clean come with an auto-clean feature, it minimizes the likelihood of clogging. Itaids in improving the chimney's performance.

 2. Suction Capacity is greater than auto clean technology.

When the blower suckers the oil and smoke particles, particles adhere on the outside of the chimney and the blower and, since there's no auto-clean technology in place, these particles could clog the chimney extremely quickly and slow down efficiency. This is the reason that in older chimneys, an engine that had less suction capacity was employed to speed up the process of clogging.

 However, this isn't the case with modern chimneys with auto clean technology since this technology assists in cleaning the chimney regularly. This means there's no issue with obstructions. This is why chimneys have powerful motors that have the capacity to provide the highest suction capabilities.

 3. Ideal for all kinds of kitchens.

When we look at the previous fact, traditional chimneys possess an insufficient suction capacity to slow the process of clogging.

 However, auto clean chimneys come with a large suction capability of the motor. This is the reason why they're superior for kitchens with large spaces.

 4. Required Almost Zero Maintenance

Since auto-clean chimneys clean the chimney in its entirety and also remove all impurities that are deposited on the oil collector , so it is only necessary to clean the collector. That's all there is to it.

 But for older chimney models that do not come with auto-clean technology, the chimneys require manual cleaning, which takes a lot of time but also a lot of effort to finish the task.

 This means that modern chimneys that have auto clean functions are far more effective than the standard chimney that is auto-clean.

 5. A lot more efficient than regular chimneys.

Because auto clean chimneys come equipped with a much larger suction capacity than traditional chimneys, which is the reason why they are better than conventional chimneys. If you're in possession of large kitchens and a small suction capacity isn't enough. You require a chimney that has a powerful suction capabilities so that it will maintain the cleanliness of your kitchen.

 6. Lifespan is also greater than chimneys that are normal

Autoclean technology aids in reducing the chance of clogging which increases the efficiency of the chimney and extends the life of the chimney.

 When it comes to the traditional chimneys, they didn't have an auto clean system which is why clogging occurs frequently, which affects the efficiency and reduces the lifespan of the chimney.

chimney for kitchen

 Disadvantages of an Auto Clean Chimney

However good something may be there's negative aspects to it. Auto clean technology comes with a disadvantage over traditional chimneys.

 1. Expensive and Not Cost-Effective

Traditional chimneys aren't the same level of technology as chimneys that auto clean and that's the reason auto-clean chimes are higher in cost than the auto clean technology.


Additionally, regular chimneys have an engine that isn't as strong as the auto clean technology, so they use less power as in comparison to the motor of an auto clean chimney.


Read: itkitKnow all about Auto Clean Chimney and its Advantages and Disadvantages.


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